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Join us on 26 August 2020 for Part II: Disclosure requirements of listed companies and directors of a Webinar Series on Responsibilities of HKEx-listco Directors


Register Now! Join Julia on the Webinar


In this part, we will explain listed companies’ obligations to publicly disclose information by way of announcement published on the websites of the company and HKEx, as well as their obligation to submit certain documents to the HKEx for review and approval prior to publication. This part will also provide information on disclosure obligations in respect of a company’s financial information and changes in the number of issued shares. There will be a discussion on restrictions on directors’ dealing in the company’s securities under the Model Code, in addition to directors’ obligations to disclose their interests in the company. It will also cover obligations relating to holding board meetings and shareholders’ meetings.

We look forward to meeting you for Part II!

For more information please click here.

You can watch the webinar by following the link.