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HKEX’s New Listing Regime for Overseas Issuers | Legally Speaking

Julia Charlton presents a summary on Hong Kong Stock Exchange HKEX’s new listing regime for overseas issuers. This podcast provides a detailed explanation of the new listing regime for overseas companies. The revised Hong Kong Stock Exchange HKEX Listing Rules simplified and streamlined the listing regime for Overseas Issuers. The new regime created opportunities for China Chinese “homecoming” stock secondary listings on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange HKEX. China Chinese businesses with primary listings in New York or London are now able to secondary list on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange or HKEX Main Board. The amendments follow the publication of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange HKEX Consultation Conclusions on Listing Regime for Overseas Issuers which adopted the proposals set out in Hong Kong Stock Exchange HKEX Consultation Paper on Listing Regime for Overseas Issuers.

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