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Hong Kong Law
June 2016
Memorandum of Understanding Entered into between Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre and the Russian Arbitration Association

Memorandum of Understanding Entered into between Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre and the Russian Arbitration Association

On 18 May 2016, the Hong Kong Arbitration Centre (HKIAC)1 entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Russian Arbitration Association2. The agreement was signed at the 2016 St Petersburg International Legal Forum3.

The Memorandum of Understanding signifies the continued strength of the relationship between Russia and Hong Kong.

In recent years, in view of Asia’s leading role in the recovery of the global economic crisis, Russian commercial activities have shifted their focus from the West to the East, and Russia has been building stronger relations with Hong Kong. For example, Russian securities are permitted to list on the Hong Kong stock exchange, and earlier this year, Hong Kong and Russia signed the Russia Hong Kong Double Tax Agreement. For more information on the Russia Hong Kong Double Tax Agreement, please see Charltons’ dedicated newsletter4. Just as increasing numbers of Russian companies have expanded into Asia, Chinese companies have increased their presence in Russia.

A Memorandum of Understanding is a non-binding formal agreement between two or more parties. While they are not legally binding, they represent a serious intent to work in a partnership towards a common goal.

HKIAC has also implemented a number of initiatives targeting its Russian users. It recently increased the number of Russian-qualified arbitrators; made available more Russian speaking tribunal secretaries, transcribers and translators where necessary; translated its 2013 Administered Arbitration Rules into Russian; and hired more Russian-speaking members of staff to facilitate greater cooperation between Hong Kong and Russia.

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Charltons – Hong Kong Law Newsletter – Issue 337 – 03 June 2016

HKIAC signs MOU with RAA

Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre Agreement with Russian Arbitration Association

Memorandum of Understanding May 2016 between HKIAC and RAA

Russian Arbitration Association RAA

Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre HKIAC

Arbitration for Russians in Hong Kong

Hong Kong 2013 Administered Arbitration Rules in foreign languages

Hong Kong foreign arbitration

HKIAC updates May 2016

18 May 2016 St Petersburg International Legal Forum

Nonbinding agreement between HKIAC and RAA
Improved relationship between Russia and Hong Kong
Russian Hong Kong Relations
Russia Hong Kong Double Tax Agreement 2016
Listing of Russian Securities on Hong Kong Stock Exchange