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The Companies Amendment Ordinance 2003
Jan 16, 2004
The Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 2003 (the CAO) is the first of a series of ordinances amending the Companies Ordinance (the CO) and will come into effect on February 13, 2004. The CAO implements certain corporate…
Recent Changes to the Companies Ordinance Prospectus Regime
Dec 22, 2003
The first phase of a 3 phase exercise to overhaul the regulatory regime for offers of shares and debentures has been completed. Phase 1 comprised the following initiatives: SFC Guidelines permitting the issue in…
Regulation Of Offers Of Investments Under Part IV Securities And Futures Ordinance
Nov 18, 2003
Part IV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (the SFO) which came into effect on April 1 2003 regulates the offer of investment products to the public in Hong Kong. It builds on the provisions of the repealed…
The New Licensing Regime under the Securities and Futures Ordinance
Oct 16, 2003
One of the significant innovations introduced by the Securities and Futures Ordinance (the SFO) which came into effect on 1 April 2003 is its streamlining of the licensing regime which was previously spread over four…
Disclosure of Interests under the Securities and Futures Ordinance – Update
Oct 1, 2003
The SFC issued a revised outline (see archive) of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (SFO) on 6 August (the Outline) which summarises the provisions of Part XV and contains detailed examples of how they…
Stabilisation under the Securities and Futures Price Stabilising Rules
Sep 24, 2003
The Securities and Futures (Price Stabilising) Rules (the Rules) made under the Securities and Futures Ordinance (the SFO) prescribe the circumstances in which price stabilisation may be carried out without…
Proposed Increased Regulation of IPO Intermediaries
Jun 20, 2003
The consultation paper on the regulation of sponsors and independent financial advisers (the Consultation Paper) published by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (the Exchange) and the SFC sets out their proposals for…
Market Misconduct under the Securities and Futures Ordinance
Jun 2, 2003
The Securities and Futures Ordinance (SFO) which came into effect on 1 April 2003 establishes dual civil and criminal regimes under Parts XIII and XIV respectively in relation to all types of market misconduct.
Insider Dealing under the Securities and Futures Ordinance
May 20, 2003
The Securities and Futures Ordinance (SFO) which came into effect on 1 April 2003 establishes dual civil and criminal regimes (under Parts XIII and XIV respectively) in respect of all types of market misconduct.
Disclosure of Interests under the Securities and Futures Ordinance
Apr 2, 2003
Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (SFO) which came into force on 1 April 2003 extends the regime for disclosure of interests in Hong Kong listed securities. The attached note sets out a summary of the…