No.1 April 2003
Disclosure of Interests under the Securities and Futures Ordinance *****

          (i) If a person's name is listed in the register of
          members maintained by a listed company.

          (ii) If the shares are held for a person by another person
          such as his stockbroker, a custodian, a trustee or a
          nominee (eg. in the Central Clearing and Settlement System
          ('CCASS') or with HKSCC Nominees Limited, the CCASS

          (iii) If a person is deemed by Part XV to be interested in
          the shares.

          (iv) If a person enters into a contract (for example if he
          holds, writes or issues financial instruments including
          equity derivatives) that give him a right to shares, or to
          a payment in the event of a change in the price of shares.

          (v) If a person holds shares as security.

          (vi) If a person is entitled to exercise rights attaching
          to the shares or control their exercise eg. voting rights.



    Relevant Events
          (i) When a person becomes interested in the shares or
          debentures of a listed company or any associated company.
          (ii) When a person ceases to be interested in such shares
          or debentures.

          (iii) When he enters into a contract to sell any such
          shares or debentures.

          (iv) When he assigns any right granted to him by the
          listed company to subscribe for shares or debentures of
          the listed company.

          (v) When an associated company grants him rights to
          subscribe for shares or debentures of that associated
          company, or if he exercises or assigns such rights.

          (vi) When the nature of his interest in the shares or
          debentures of the listed company or any associated company

          (vii) When he comes to have or ceases to have a short
          position in the shares of a listed company or any
          associated company.



    Director's/Chief Executive's Notice of Interests in Shares of a
    Listed Company