October 2003 No 6

Disclosure of Interests under the Securities and Futures Ordinance - Update


As under the previous legislation, listed companies are required to maintain registers of interests and short positions disclosed to them (Sections 336 and 352). These registers may be the same as the registers required by the previous legislation, adapted to include the additional information required to be disclosed by Part XV. Details must be entered on the register within 3 business days following the day of receipt of information by the listed company and the index must be updated within 10 business days of a name being entered on the register. In addition, the register must disclose details of any party holding shares pursuant to a concert party agreement (see paragraph 9.5 above).

If the register is not kept at the company's registered office, a listed company must inform the Registrar of Companies of its whereabouts using the prescribed form of notice now available on the SFC website. Directors and chief executives who are also substantial shareholders will give notice of their interests using Form 3A. The information given in these notices must be registered on both the register of interests and short positions of directors and chief executives and also the register of interests of substantial shareholders.

In addition, under Section 352(3) a listed company is required to record certain information when it grants to a director or chief executive a right to subscribe for shares or debentures of the company. The information required to be recorded against the person's name is as follows: the date on which the right is granted; the period during which, or the time at which, it is exercisable; the consideration for the grant (or if none, that fact); and a description of the shares or debentures involved, the number of shares or the amount of debentures and the price to be paid (or consideration to be given, if not in money). When any such right is exercised by a director or chief executive, the listed company is required to record specified information about that exercise in the register (Section 352(4)). The time limit for recording information relating to the grant and exercise of such rights is 3 business days from the date the obligation to record arises.

Further, under Section 352(4) when any such right is exercised by a director or chief executive, the listed company must record the following information against his name in the register:

  1. the fact of the exercise (identifying the right);

  2. the number of shares or amount of debentures in respect of which it has been exercised; and

  3. if -

    1. they were registered in his name, that fact; or

    2. they were not registered in his name, the name or names in which they were registered and the number of shares or amount of debentures registered in each name, if applicable.

The time limits for the listed company to record the above information in the register are 3 business days after the date of the grant of the right to subscribe for shares or debentures and 3 business days after the exercise of any such right.


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