October 2003 No 6

Disclosure of Interests under the Securities and Futures Ordinance - Update


Under Section 329 a listed company has the power to investigate the identity of holders of interests and short positions in its shares and also the ownership of equity derivatives where the underlying shares of such derivatives are shares in that listed company. As under the previous legislation, a listed company may be required to exercise its powers of investigation on the request of members.

The listed company is then under a duty to inform the Stock Exchange, the SFC and, in the case of authorised financial institutions only, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority of any information received. This notification must be given before the end of the business day after the day on which the duty arises. The listed company must prepare a report of the information received pursuant to any such investigation and make that report available at its registered office within 10 business days of the end of the investigation and must deliver a copy of the report to the SFC and the Stock Exchange. Information received following an investigation must also be recorded in its register of interests and short positions.

Offences (Section 334)

It is an offence for anyone to fail, without reasonable excuse, to comply with an investigation made by a listed company or to make a false or misleading statement in response to such investigation.

Further, a listed company and every officer who is in default commits an offence if they fail to prepare a report and deliver it to the SFC and the Stock Exchange within the specified periods.

Please note that this summary is for general information purposes only. Specific legal advice should be sought in relation to any particular situation.


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